Applying Disinfexstall

Here are tips for using Disinfexstall to enhance your maintenance routines, and have best practices for horse health.

A good deal of a horse’s time is spent in its stall, where it may be exposed to overt and hidden germs and pathogens. Almost all horse stalls and stables we have found do not properly disinfect stall ceilings/or roof areas. Disinfexstall engineered a safe and easy solution to this ongoing problem with our stall spraying equipment. No ladders needed. Other disinfectants contain toxic ingredients and poisons. This is not the case with Disinfexstall, which is non-toxic and is child and pet safe.
What You Need to Know About Stall Health
Stalls are constructed with porous surfaces and contain hanging feed bags, tack, and other gear. The floors are often covered with saw dust, wood chips, hay, or other porous material. If you are currently using a bleach, hydrogen peroxide, or conventional disinfectant, the porous surfaces in your stall will absorb the poisons in these other disinfectants and they will remain in the stall. These low undetectable buildups may become lethal, especially to newborn animals. Disinfexstall does not have harmful buildups of poisons found in other disinfectants.

The horse trailer is a moving stall—it takes your horse away from your safe home stall into high traffic areas of potential exposure. If the trailer transported another horse before yours, the tight quarters unfortunately become a potentially unsafe environment. In the trailer, your horse risks infection with a pathogen, such as strangles, salmonella, and even Equine Herpes Virus (EHV).
Conversely, a trailer and ramp properly treated with Disinfexstall makes for a safe container that minimizes the chances of your horse acquiring pathogens during transportation. You can treat a typical trailer in under three minutes:
1. Simply spray all trailer surfaces—including the floor, walls, ceiling, doors, and windows—with Disinfexstall using the Disinfexstall sprayer. Remember to spray door handles, hitches, and tack.
2. Let the application dry. No need to wipe it off or to wash the trailer after a Disinfexstall application—saving water as part of our ultra-green program.
This Disinfexstall 1-step application saves tons of time on the road. Disinfexstall safe for pets and children. No need to don a mask to spray the trailer, either. Don’t forget to see that your hauler uses Disinfexstall.
Everybody wins with Disinfexstall, especially your horse!

1-Step to Clean A Shower
Applying Disinfexstall to horse shower and wash areas has several great advantages in addition to killing pathogens that grow and transfer within those areas:
1. Disinfexstall can prevent mold, mildew, and fungi from forming and transferring.
2. Disinfexstall deodorizes and prevents future odors.
Disinfexstall accomplishes this in 1-step in a one and done fashion. After you shower or wash your horse, immediately spray Disinfexstall over the entire area while it’s still wet – no need to dry the wash area!
This simple 60-second or less process makes an easy, fast, and elegant solution to the age-old problem of mold, mildew, fungi, and musty odors in horse shower and wash areas.

Clear Pathogens from Hallways and Floors
Spray your stable or barn hallways and floors regularly with Disinfexstall to avoid spreading pathogens. Even the cleanest stall has pathogens on the floor that can spread throughout floors and hallways as people and animals move throughout a stable or barn.
At a rate of about 1 foot a second, Disinfexstall can treat stable and barn’s hallways and floors. A 60 ft hallway can be treated in 1 minute. Picked up on hoofs, paws, shoes, and boots, pathogens may be tracked past the stable into trailers, cars, and other equestrian properties.
Treating hallways and floors is the best way to reduce these harmful pathogens from moving around and spreading further. Disinfexstall is ideal for quickly treating, and protecting hallways and floors.

When used consistently with good veterinary practices, Disinfexstall can help you maintain a safe stall environment for foal and mare. Disinfexstall uses approved hospital grade chemistry for operating rooms and veterinary facilities. It’s uniquely qualified for safe application.
One-step procedure with great benefits.
Simply spray and done with no wiping off. Investing just a minute or so to disinfect the stall and instruments with Disinfexstall before the start of foaling provides a safer stall and bedding area. Clean all tools and implements by spraying them with Disinfexstall. Likewise, clean out buckets and water containers and rinse lightly with Disinfexstall. Spray the hallway and floors.
Using Disinfexstall chemistry is an important part of foaling best practice. Disinfexstall not only treats and kills pathogens surrounding the foal and mother, it also has healing properties.

Managing Waterers
The best way to manage a waterer is to properly clean and wash it and then sanitize it by spraying with Disinfexstall. This has three key benefits:
1. The Disinfexstall spray disinfects the waterer, making it safer.
2. You don’t have to wash out the Disinfexstall before filling the waterer as you would with a conventional disinfectant – diluted Disinfexstall is safe for horses to drink. This saves many gallons of water a year.
3. The Disinfexstall treatment reduces the opportunity for germs and insects to develop in and around the waterer.
Adding a Disinfexstall spray to your waterer cleaning routine helps make the waterer safer and better for the horse—while eliminating a water rinse at the same time.

Protect Feed nets from Pathogens
Protect your horse from pathogens by spraying hay and feed nets with Disinfexstall. A horse’s nose is the animal’s Achillies heel, an entry point for germs. Spraying a feed net helps protect the horse by treating its nose and mouth while it feeds. Feed sprayed lightly with Disinfexstall using the Disinfexstall sprayer is safe for the horse to eat. It will freshen the horse’s breath at same time it kills pathogens.
Spraying your hay feed nets with Disinfexstall is a fast, easy, and effective way to help protect the health of your horses.

Cleaning Brushes Better
Spray Disinfexstall on brushes after you’ve rinsed them. Leaving Disinfexstall wet on the brushes kills any pathogens still on the brush until evaporation. In addition, you can use the brush while it’s damp with Disinfexstall to groom the horse. This sanitizes the horse’s coat. This is a good treatment for a horse that may mix with other horses coming off the range.
Disinfexstall brush protections help keep your horse healthy and safe.

A Cleaner Way to Clean Dirty Shovels and Brooms, etc.
The dirty job of cleaning shovels, brooms, and wastebins is quickly and easily managed with Disinfexstall. Simply wash and rinse these then spray with Disinfexstall.
Let them sit damp until the Disinfexstall dries, and they are ready for use again. Spraying can be done in less than 30 seconds. No need to wipe the tools and bins with wash-and-dry cloths which can spread contamination. Shovels and brooms are significant pathogen transfer agents wherever they are used throughout your facility. Disinfexstall easily and quickly reduces pathogen risk and eliminates shovel and broom odors as well. Don’t forget the dustpan!